Episode #319: Jim Skaggs - Buffalo Run RD

What was it like behind the scenes of the Buffalo Run? Why ultimately did the race get cancelled? In Episode #319, Race Director Jim Skaggs talks about this years events and what went down. We hear runners stories about these type of things that happen but it is good to know what happens and why from an RD standpoint. Happy to report runners were safe and the Trail Running Community rallied to help!

Show Notes:

  • Some play by play
  • Why was it ultimately cancelled
  • Runners reaction
  • What's next
  • "Hey Kirk, it's gear."


Aric W. Manning

Aric is the Founder of TrailManners, Chief Podcaster and self appointed Cheese Curd and IPA specialist.


Episode #320: Singletrack Session


Episode #318: Kirk Probasco - Buffalo Run 50 Part 2