Episode #1- Scott Jaime: Keep it simple man

It was an absolute pleasure to have Scott Jaime in Studio 78 as our first guest on the TrailManners podcast. We would like to think he drove from Colorado just for the show but in fact it was a Fantasy Football draft...go figure. He may not have shared his "sleeper" pick for the season but he shared plenty of great insight and stories from the trail.With Studio 78 parked at the Wasatch 100 start, it was bound to bring up fond memories from his early training and his first 100 mile race.We hope you enjoy the show.TrailManners has set up a KICKSTARTER campaign to upgrade our equipment so we can bring you an even better product. Visit our KICKSTARTER page by clicking on the link below.kickstarter-logo-light

 Show Notes
Aric W. Manning

Aric is the Founder of TrailManners, Chief Podcaster and self appointed Cheese Curd and IPA specialist.


Episode #2- Robert Kunz: It’s a van party


TrailManners Podcast 000 - It's Alive!