Episode #111- Sheralyn Traher: Crazy Mother Runners

Crazy Mother Runners have had a very large following over the past 3 years on social media encouraging others to get outside and take part in the trails. They have helped transform lives and eliminate certain stigmas surrounding motherhood and running. We were fortunate enough to talk Sheralyn Traher into jumping behind the mic in Studio 78 and tell us about the history of CMR and get a glimpse into what makes it tic. And of course we couldn't let her escape without pinning her down on a race or 2.Show Notes:

  • Crazy Mother Runners (Instagram: crazy_mother_runners)
  • How she got into trail running
  • Neck injury
  • RUFA- Running Up For Air
  • Running Goals
  • SpeedGoat 25k or 50k...hmmmm

This episode of the TrailManners podcast is supported by Health IQ, a life insurance company that supports health conscious people. Visit healthiq.com/trailmanners to learn more & get a free quote, or check out their life insurance FAQ page to get your questions answered.

Aric W. Manning

Aric is the Founder of TrailManners, Chief Podcaster and self appointed Cheese Curd and IPA specialist.


Singletrack Session #76


Singletrack Session #75