Episode #115- Preston Wood: Western States 100 Prep

Preston Wood received good news the first time he put in for the Western States 100 lottery last year and has been training hard ever since. We had a great time talking with Preston and cannot wait to get him back on after the race. He sat down with us the day before he raced the Squaw Peak 50 and we grilled him on his upcoming Western race. He is such a great guy and we cannot send enough good vibes for his trip to Auburn later this month. Good Luck Preston- TrailManners will be sending all the good mojo your way!***Update on his 2018 Squaw Peak 50- In the podcast he mentined his goal is to go under 10:30. Preston finished in 9:37Show Notes:

  • Intro
  • From a 300 lb. offensive Lineman to the Western States 100 start line
  • All things Western States
  • His 2018 Squaw Peak goal

Aric W. Manning

Aric is the Founder of TrailManners, Chief Podcaster and self appointed Cheese Curd and IPA specialist.


Singletrack Session #92


Singletrack Session #91