Episode #25- Kelsy Bingham

It has been pretty easy to start a show saying we have a special guest but this episode reached a new level. Friend and local runner Kelsy Bingham has met challenges head on- NCAA Division I women basketball- Sweet 16, pro cycling, motherhood and being a new trail runner but less than 5 months ago she found out she had a rare form of cancer and a new challenge to take on.We see so much negativity and heart ache everyday so being able to sit down with Kelsy and have her tell us her story is so inspiring. We knew her story but after we walked away from this show we were in awe. She is as tough as they come and as humble as you can be. Kelsey, thank you for sharing this with us and we look forward to sharing the trails with you soon- you are amazing!Show Notes:

  • Pro Cycling
  • Ultra Running pre race meals "are where it's at"
  • PA School
  • Cancer diagnosis- Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
  • "The Mask"
  • Getting back after it

Aric W. Manning

Aric is the Founder of TrailManners, Chief Podcaster and self appointed Cheese Curd and IPA specialist.


Episode #26- Nate Graven- Massage Therapy- “Our Guy”


Episode #24- Buffalo Run: Amy Musgrove