Episode #57- Roch Horton: The History and Future of our Sport

When you get a chance to talk to a LEGEND- you do it. We could listen to Roch Horton talk for days. He has so many amazing stories and he has seen it all in the trail and ultra running community.With the growth of the sport we sit down and talk about the past, present and future- the good and the bad. As lovers of the trails and mountains we have an obligation to make sure we educate and advocate for a better future.Thank you Roch for letting us pick your brain and we here at TrailManners are in support of "The Book"!Show Notes:

  • History of the sport
  • Hardrock 100
  • Virginius Pass: Kroger's Canteen
  • "The Book"

Aric W. Manning

Aric is the Founder of TrailManners, Chief Podcaster and self appointed Cheese Curd and IPA specialist.


Episode #58- James Varner: The Trail Running Film Festival, a Contest and More


Episode #56- Karl Meltzer: AT FKT & More