Singletrack Session #63
It is time to announce the winners of: Beaverhead Endurance Runs race entry, Nordic Valley 7k race entry and of course Where Did Your Feet Take You. 3 winners, one show. Plus a whole lot more.Show Notes:
- Recap Episode #103- Palisades Ultra Trail Series
- Camille Herron 100 mile Crush- 12:42 (7:37 pace)
- North Face 50 Preview
- Beaverhead Endurance Run Contest Winner
- Nordic Valley 7k Contest Winner
- Ogden Trail Running Festival
- Ask TrailManners
- WDYFTY Winner
- TrailManners Swaggin Rights Sale
PC: Corey Vigil- Antelope Island, Utah: Where Did Your Feet Take You weekly winnerShow Sponsor: