The Dirt and The Vert For December 27th - January 2nd

This past week the Wasatch Front went from another 2 feet of snow to frigid temps. Most of us are running in single digit temps and I'm pretty sure that is was well below zero on the summit of Malans this morning. Stay safe, bundle-up, and run with a partner.It will be a quite week on the website with a podcast airing on Tuesday discussing recent controversial topics in the trail world. Behind the scenes, we are trying to work through a back log of gear reviews. We hope to start producing video reviews by the end of the week.A final note...WE FUNDED OUR KICKSTARTER! A big warm trail hug to all who have donated. Once Aric returns from the desert, we will start getting all the orders ready to ship to our backers.

Aric W. Manning

Aric is the Founder of TrailManners, Chief Podcaster and self appointed Cheese Curd and IPA specialist.


Episode 8 - Year End Review: Thank You!


The Mumblings of an Old man